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Peter and the Wolf 4

Peter and the Wolf 4
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677 ₽
846 ₽


Dick Whittington Dick Whittington goes to London to make his fortune, but gets a cat! What happens when Dick gives his cat to a wealthy man? For over thirty-five years, the best-selling Read it yourself with Ladybird has helped children learn to read. All titles feature essential key words. Story-specific words are repeated to practise throughout. Designed to be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. All titles include comprehension questions or puzzles, guidance notes and book band information for schools. This Level 4 title is ideal for children who are ready to read longer stories with a wider vocabulary and are keen to start reading independently.



  • Дата выпуска 2015
  • Количество страниц 46
  • Артикул 173394


  • Размер (мм) 178x118x7
  • Цвет Зелёный
  • Тип бумаги Мелованная бумага
  • Вес (г) 110
  • Тип переплёта 7Бц - твердая, целлофанированная (или лакированная)

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