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The Adventures of Tintin. Volume 7

The Adventures of Tintin. Volume 7
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One of the most iconic characters in children’s books Join the world’s most famous travelling reporter in his exciting adventures as he faces ruthless gangsters in The Red Sea Sharks, scales mountain peaks in Tintin in Tibet, and solves a baffling case of theft in The Castafiore Emerald. The seventh of eight volumes containing Hergй’s best loved adventure stories, with three thrilling mysteries: The Red Sea Sharks There's a rebellion in Khemed and the Emir's life is in danger! He has entrusted his mischievous son to Captain Haddock's care, but when an old friend of Tintin's is caught smuggling arms to the Khemed rebels, they must jump straight on a plane to find out what on earth is going on … Tintin in Tibet Tintin's friend Chang has been killed in a terrible plane crash and Tintin is distraught. But after a strange dream, Tintin becomes convinced Chang is alive. Together with Captain Haddock, he sets out on an impossible mission, an adventure deep into the mountains, through blizzards and caves of ice. They must find Chang at all costs! The Castafiore Emerald When Captain Haddock meets a palm reader, he dismisses a forewarning about a beautiful lady’s stolen jewels. But when the famous opera singer Bianca Castafiore suddenly descends on Marlinspike Hall, the palm reader’s prediction seems to be all too real. Can Tintin catch the emerald thief? Join the most iconic character in comics as he embarks on extraordinary adventures spanning historical and political events.



  • Дата выпуска 2015
  • Количество страниц 192
  • Артикул 186139


  • Размер (мм) 225x155x18
  • Цвет Голубой
  • Тип бумаги Офсетная бумага
  • Вес (г) 426
  • Тип переплёта 7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)

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