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Серия «Rookie Read-About»

Издательство Scholastic Inc.

Книги серии

What Is Velocity?
В избранное
955 ₽
1 194 ₽
What Is Velocity?
It's a Good Thing There Are Insects
В избранное
The Seven Continents
В избранное
1 174 ₽
1 467 ₽
The Seven Continents
Scientists Ask Questions
В избранное
What Is Mass?
В избранное
964 ₽
1 205 ₽
What Is Mass?
What Is Matter?
В избранное
973 ₽
1 216 ₽
What Is Matter?
Apple Fractions
В избранное
1 170 ₽
1 463 ₽
Apple Fractions
All About Light
В избранное
966 ₽
1 208 ₽
All About Light
What Is Gravity?
В избранное
975 ₽
1 219 ₽
What Is Gravity?
The Wheat We Eat
В избранное
975 ₽
1 219 ₽
The Wheat We Eat
Push and Pull
В избранное
966 ₽
1 207 ₽
Push and Pull
Living in a Rain Forest
В избранное
1 170 ₽
1 462 ₽
Living in a Rain Forest
Plants that Eat Animals
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Chinese New Year
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1 169 ₽
1 461 ₽
Chinese New Year
We Need Directions!
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1 150 ₽
1 437 ₽
We Need Directions!
Veterans Day
В избранное
1 171 ₽
1 464 ₽
Veterans Day
Looking Through a Telescope
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Looking Through a Microscope
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Looking at Maps and Globes
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В избранное
1 146 ₽
1 432 ₽
В избранное
1 157 ₽
1 446 ₽
В избранное
1 176 ₽
1 470 ₽
В избранное
1 170 ₽
1 463 ₽
Seed to Plant
В избранное
1 147 ₽
1 434 ₽
Seed to Plant
It's a Good Thing There Are Bees
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It's a Good Thing There Are Ladybugs
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What's the Weather Today?
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Frogs and Toads and Tadpoles, Too
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What Magnets Can Do
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954 ₽
1 192 ₽
What Magnets Can Do
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1 154 ₽
1 442 ₽
В избранное
1 168 ₽
1 460 ₽
Freaky Fish
В избранное
1 165 ₽
1 456 ₽
Freaky Fish
Milk to Ice Cream
В избранное
1 149 ₽
1 436 ₽
Milk to Ice Cream
Acorn to Oak Tree
В избранное
1 170 ₽
1 463 ₽
Acorn to Oak Tree
В избранное
1 169 ₽
1 461 ₽