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Серия «Captain Underpants»

Издательство Scholastic Inc.

Книги серии

Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
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Wacky Word Wedgies and Flushable Fill-Ins
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The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. Wedgie Power Guidebook
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Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. Part 1
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Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. Part 2
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Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People
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Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000
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Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman
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The Captain Underpants Extra-Crunchy Book o' Fun
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The Adventures of Captain Underpants
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3-D Guide to Creating Heroes and Villains
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